Vegetable Prices Double: Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Onions Out of Reach for Many

Vegetable Prices Double: Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Onions Out of Reach for Many

Vegetable Prices Double: Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Onions Out of Reach for Many: Rising inflation has severely impacted the household budgets of common people. With daily expenses skyrocketing and no significant increase in income, managing finances has become a daunting task. Essential items like bread, tea, oil, flour, and vegetables have witnessed an exponential price hike,…

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Indian Middle-Class Struggles: Economic Slowdown, Job Losses, and Shrinking Savings

Indian Middle-Class Struggles: Economic Slowdown, Job Losses, and Shrinking Savings

Indian Middle-Class Struggles: Economic Slowdown, Job Losses, and Shrinking Savings: India’s once-prosperous middle class is now dealing with economic challenges that have led to significant changes in spending. The Marcellus Investment Managers report highlights three key factors for the slowdown: technological turmoil, economic decline, and declining household incomes. Jobs that are normally considered static, such…

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